Friday, June 4, 2010

Well I'm not traveling, but some other people are...

Well it's summertime, and I'm not in Africa. So this isn't exactly how I wanted to spend my summer, but oh well. I had to stay in Johnson City to finish two summer classes before I can officially graduate, then it's off to Ghana in September. I'm still trying to raise money, for both the orphanage and for my own travel expenses. So if you're interested in helping out let me know. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, check out my Web site at

Since I'm not currently traveling, I thought I'd give you something else to read. My best friend, Eileen Rush, is currently living in Uganda and has a pretty awesome blog you should check out. She's been working in the slums of Kampala and helping tutor kids at an orphanage there, among many other things.

Also, another friend, Joel Gerlach, is also going to Africa this summer. You can check out his promo video here. He'll be filming a documentary as well and his promo video rocks!